Clay Figures - Ideas - Works in Progress

Sunday, December 18, 2005

Last Naked Madden Post

Well, I decided not to finish the naked Madden trophy. It is not in good taste for a work environment. When I first made it, I just didn't think it was particularly funny, but now every time I come home and naked Madden is standing on my desk, it makes me laugh. So here's a final picture of it. I'll probably take apart the body to reuse the clay, keep the face, and just make a more reasonable, fully dressed body. But here's my favorite angle:

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Christmas Tree Ornaments

I'm a little stuck on the Madden figure, so I took a break and worked on some rat ornaments. I like how they turned out; they make great present topper.

Friday, December 02, 2005

New Idea: Madden

Last year I made a Trophy for my work's fantasy football league. I've been asked to make another one this year.

My idea for this year is to mix Madden (because he's so recognizable and kinda funny looking) with the Heisman trophy. My first idea was pretty out there, as in a naked Madden in the Heisman pose. Upon reflection, I realized that may not be work appropriate, although I still love the idea.

So my second draft idea is Madden, fully clothed =( in the Heisman pose all of it in bronze clay color. My concern with this idea is that it may look like an african-american Madden wearing brown clothing, which would be confusing. We'll see how this goes.